About two thousand years after sending His advice to the human race condensed in just ten commandments written in two large tablets of stone and given in trust to a guy named Moses God came to realize that people weren't going to listen and were showing no sign of behaving the way He expected them to, so He decided to come down to earth and see to things himself, although he wasn't quite sure that he should do it with all of himself, as he might have been busy doing other things, and this is the reason why he considered it wiser to send his own self in the form of his own son incarnated in a human, a trick which necessitated the help of a woman, which was the very reason behind the selection of a virgin from Bethlehem named Marry, who at that time was engaged to be married, or maybe even married with Joseph, but who, for one reason or another, had not yet enjoyed the fruit of their marriage, a fact that God should have been very aware of and that might have played some role in his decision making process, giving a considerable boost to Mary's candidacy and providing us with the idea that God might have been particularly fond of virgins, although this is a matter of a different kind of speculation and that for the purpose of what is being discussed here it is important to note that God approached Mary through a messenger named the Holy Spirit who was practically God himself, only that He (the Holy Spirit) was the part of God (or the side of God) who dealt with impregnating virgins, because it was the Holy Spirit who filled Mary's belly, with or without sexual contact, a king of information that is left unexplored in the holy scripts although it is very well stated that Mary became pregnant with the Holy Spirit, that is, practically with God, so that she could give birth to Jesus, i.e. the son of God, who was also the God and the Holy Spirit, as the son, the father and the impregnator are one and the same, and Mary would have required some convincing to do, starting with Joseph, who was supposed to believe, as he really did, that she hadn't cheated on him with anyone in the neighborhood, which shows that she should have been particularly good at convincing people, because what she said was surprisingly swallowed in entirety not only by her husband, but also by a whole bunch of others who arrived in this planet long after Joseph's bones had decomposed and who then, upon convincing themselves started to spread the word and convince others, millions and billions of others in the course of around two thousand years during which time there have been and still are people who are born, who grow up and die ready to swear at any moment for the sanctity and the virginity of Mary and fully persuaded that the child that Mary carried in her belly and which she delivered later was at the same time the Son of God, God Himself and the Holy Spirit, but also the son of Joseph, a story that Joseph might have found quite plausible and the most normal thing in the world, because in those times it might have been quite random for someone's wife to be pregnant long before they started having sex and such things never made it to the news but were simply explained with the involvement of God, hence the Latin expression Deux ex machina, which pretty much means that God might have had other children in the same manner, albeit this is just a wild guess and in matters of such importance it is not advisable to dwell too much on guesses, but to try and stick to the facts, one of the facts being that Joseph accepted Mary's explanation and was convinced that he was Jesus' father, although he hadn't yet touched Mary and she had admitted to him that the real father of the child she was carrying was God, through the Holy Spirit and that the child she was going to give birth to was the common product of three fathers, God, the Holy Spirit and Joseph and a virgin mother and as soon as he accepted this logical explanation Joseph might have felt quite happy and maybe dared to ask Mary if they could have sex now, although there is no evidence of such a request in the holy book, not even on the question of Joseph ever having sex with Mary, during or after the pregnancy, although as her husband he was entitled to and, according to medical records he was by no means non-functioning, as he is officially considered to be Jesus' father, a consideration clearly emphasised right at the beginning of the New Testament, although when you come to think of it, it would have been quite difficult for anyone, including Joseph, to enter the same place where God and the Holy Spirit had entered and where Jesus, who was at the same time God and the Holy Spirit had come out from, thus making it a place where God and His Son and the Holy Spirit had gone in and out, but there is no way that Joseph had gone in because, having opened her legs for all this sacred traffic Mary might have gained her own holiness, while there is no indication of Joseph ever being declared consecrated in any form and maybe he wasn't supposed to enter to a place where divinity had loitered, but this also doesn't have any direct consequence to the order of things, because it is time to push the story a little bit further, beyond Mary's tunnel, to after the birth of Jesus, the Son of God and the Holy Spirit, a God and a Holy Spirit himself, who grew up under circumstances known and confided to no one, but who became sort of famous very soon, not to the status of a celebrity in his life-time, but still famous, as he managed to convince twelve people who were called disciples and who followed him around whenever he went, helping him organize rallies where he preached moral and tried to show people the right way, something that he apparently wasn't very good at and one might conclude that Jesus/Holy Spirit/God doesn't seem to have been much of a talker and apparently short of convincing arguments, or the people of that time were really assholes, because it is a well known fact that almost no one listened to Him/Them and that in spite of Him/Them trying to perform some miracles by giving eyesight to a blind person, or curing lepers here and there, or bringing back one or two people from the dead, or cursing fig trees and hating goats and feeding hungry mobs with a few pieces of fish, despite all these feats history tells us that in Palestine people in general were not really impressed, and records show that the number of those who converted while He/Them was around was very insignificant, with the exception of course of the above mentioned twelve disciples and a couple of whores and this might have had a negative effect on the nerves of Jesus/Holy Spirit/God who decided here and there to change his strategy and under the circumstances of the time He/They might have considered that the most logical course to follow was self-sacrifice in order to serve those people who didn't care about Him/Them, but not sacrifice the entire thing, Jesus/Holy Spirit/God, just the Jesus part and even that temporarily, and follow the sacrifice with a resurrection, which makes it look more like a trick than like a real sacrifice, but which to the people was supposed to look like a sacrifice with the plan being that someone who was close to Him/Them, namely one of the disciples was going to betray Him/Them, which either brings the number of the people who faithfully followed Him/Them down to eleven, or keeps the number stable at twelve, but rehabilitates the damaged image of Judas Iscariot who simply followed Jesus/Holy Spirit/God's plan and wasn't a betrayer at all but, on the contrary, was a key instrument in implementing Jesus/Holy Spirit/God's new strategy and might have been the most reliable among the disciples as he was the one the new plan was confided to and that without him no one would have handed out Jesus/Holy Spirit/God to the Romans, and Jesus/Holy Spirit/God would have never been arrested, tried and executed, which clearly means that Jesus/Holy Spirit/God would have never had the opportunity to be sacrificed and die for humankind, nor would have He/Them had the chance to rise from the dead and fly to the sky, which would have been a real blow to the foundations of Christianity, because you can't perceive Christianity without Jesus/Holy Spirit/God's sacrifice and resurrection and no one knows how things would have gone if Jesus/Holy Spirit/God was not crucified and if He/Them were still around, still trying to raise people from the dead, or cure lepers, or brighten the sight of the blind, so that he could convince a few people to add to the twelve disciples and the two whores which makes us think that His/Their decision to get crucified and resurrect might have really been a wise one and more effective than the lame decision to send ten commandments through Moses, or the futile decision to impregnate Mary and send Their son wandering for decades in the desert, or the other curious decision of dictating an entire book to an illiterate Arab with an amazing memory and a passion for very young girls, because the act of sacrifice and resurrection, although with no immediate impact, was later used very wisely by one of the disciples to spread his ideas even wider than Jesus/Holy Spirit/God would have had ever dreamed of, in lands quite unknown to even Jesus/Holy Spirit/God as it is clear from the holy script that that He/They were quite unaware of the existence geographical notions such as North or South America, New Zeeland, Australia, or even Cape of Good Hope and Tierra del Fuego, or of food products such as potatoes, the tomatoes, tobacco, and turkey, although geographic and gastronomic ignorance doesn't necessary mean lack of development, something proven by the great American nation, who are really ignorant in geography and gastronomy, but stand still stand high as one of the most developed nations of the world, a point which makes them very similar to Jesus/Holy Spirit/God who, nevertheless decided to be sacrificed and opted for the most interesting method of execution, crucifixion, a sentence given to Him/Them by the soldiers of Rome, who at that time should have been under the direct spell of Jesus/Holy Spirit/God as they did exactly what Jesus/Holy Spirit/God wanted them to do and nailed Him/Them to the cross and let Him/Them dry out in the sun, a process which led to something very curios and unexplainable, as Jesus/Holy Spirit/God was heard saying something like "Dad, why did you abandon me?" and "Are you there or not?", two very unusual questions considering that Jesus was at the same time his own Dad and the Holy Spirit and that he should have known the answer to the first question and had no doubt about that of the second, both being questions addressed to Himself and, of course, to the Holy Spirit, who was also Himself, but this is not very important because it might have been the effect of the sun's heat, and we all know that stranger things happen under the influence of the heat of the sun, added to the wounds from the cross and people under similar circumstances can say all sorts of things, although we are not talking of people here, but of Jesus/Holy Spirit/God, and who are we to judge or to know all the ways that people are different or similar to gods, being as we are mere mortals and limited in our knowledge, a limitation that we can only surpass by showing faith and trust on everything we are told about things that we are not able to explain, knowing that in matters of religion you need to replace logic with belief and acceptance, the best strategy if you want to get over things you can't explain and focus on the essence of the act of sacrifice committed by Jesus/Holy Spirit/God, which came out to be not a sacrifice at all, because with the first chance given Jesus/Holy Spirit/God, who everyone around thought He/They was dead, didn't even wait for the three days He/They had promised, and fled the scene resurrecting from the grave and up into the sky, as is convincingly attested by Mary Magdalene, who should be considered one of the most persuading people of all times, of course in pair with the other Mary, the virgin one, as she described to others something miraculous that only she had seen and that billions and billions of people, entire generations, for two thousand years have so strongly believed, although despite Jesus/Holy Spirit/God's sacrifice they never learned anything but continued to live in sin and filth, trying to get rich at the expense of others around them, swearing and blaspheming, killing and massacring in the name of Jesus/Holy Spirit/God or against the name of Jesus/Holy Spirit/God, doing whatever they wanted to do and then trying to wash up all the dirt through prayer and confessions, while Jesus/Holy Spirit/God should feel really pissed off with all these attempts going down the drain, starting with the famous ten commandments of Moses which are merely ten lines but no one cares to memorize, including the most avid champions of Jesus/Holy Spirit/God, the conclusion being that even after those ten pieces of stone were sent down, even after He/They sacrificed Him/Themselves, even after the entire book was dictated in that cave to that guy with a superb memory and a soft spot for underage girls, people have continued to do the same and it looks like the prophets come and go and people do whatever they want.